Michael Gambon


Is Michael Gambon Dead or Still Alive? Michael Gambon Birthday and Date of Death

Michael Gambon

Michael Gambon Death

Michael passed away on September 28, 2023 at the age of 82 in Witham, Essex, England. Michael's cause of death was pneumonia.

Michael Gambon death quick facts:
  • When did Michael Gambon die?

    September 28, 2023
  • How did Michael Gambon die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Michael Gambon when died?

  • Where did Michael Gambon die? What was the location of death?

    Witham, Essex, England

Michael Gambon Birthday and Date of Death

Michael Gambon was born on October 19, 1940 and died on September 28, 2023. Michael was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 19, 1940
Date of Death: September 28, 2023
Age at Death: 82

Michael Gambon - Biography

Sir Michael John Gambon CBE (born 19 October 1940) is an Irish-born English actor who has worked in theatre, television and film. Gambon has played Philip Marlow in the BBC television serial The Singing Detective, Jules Maigret in the 1990s ITV serial Maigret, and Professor Albus Dumbledore in the last six Harry Potter films after the death of actor Richard Harris.
Gambon was born in Cabra, Dublin, during World War II. His father, Edward Gambon, was an engineering operative, and his mother, Mary (née Hoare), was a seamstress. As his father decided to seek work in the rebuilding of London, the family moved to Mornington Crescent in north London, when Gambon was six. His father had him made a British citizen, a decision that would later allow Gambon to receive a substantive, rather than honorary, knighthood and CBE.

In the New Year Honours 1998 Gambon was appointed a Knight Bachelor for services to drama, and on 17 July 1998 was invested by Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace.
Gambon is a qualified private pilot and his love of cars led to his appearance on the BBC's Top Gear programme in December 2002. Gambon raced the Suzuki Liana and was driving so aggressively that it went round the last corner of his timed lap on two wheels. The final corner of the Top Gear test track has been named "Gambon" in his honour.
He appeared on the programme again on 4 June 2006, and set a time in the Chevrolet Lacetti of 1:50.3, a significant improvement on his previous time of 1:55. He clipped his namesake corner the second time, and when asked why by Jeremy Clarkson, replied, "I dunno — I just don't like it."