Michael Landon Death
Michael passed away on July 1, 1991 at the age of 54 in Malibu, California, USA. Michael's cause of death was cancer - pancreatic.
When did Michael Landon die?
July 1, 1991How did Michael Landon die? What was the cause of death?
Cancer - pancreaticHow old was Michael Landon when died?
54Where did Michael Landon die? What was the location of death?
Malibu, California, USA
Michael Landon Birthday and Date of Death
Michael Landon was born on October 31, 1936 and died on July 1, 1991. Michael was 54 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 31, 1936
Date of Death: July 1, 1991
Age at Death: 54
Is Michael Landon's father, Eli Maurice Orowitz, dead or alive?
Eli Maurice Orowitz's information is not available now.
Is Michael Landon's mother, Peggy O'Neill, dead or alive?
Peggy O'Neill's information is not available now.
Michael Landon's sister :
- Evelyn Landon
Michael Landon - Biography
Michael Landon was an American actor, writer, director, and producer. He is known for his roles as Little Joe Cartwright in Bonanza, Charles Ingalls in Little House on the Prairie (1974-83), and Jonathan Smith in Highway to Heaven (1984-89). Landon appeared on the cover of TV Guide 22 times, second only to Lucille Ball.