Miroslava Vavrinec


Is Miroslava Vavrinec Dead or Still Alive? Miroslava Vavrinec Birthday and Age

Miroslava Vavrinec

How Old Is Miroslava Vavrinec? Miroslava Vavrinec Birthday

Miroslava Vavrinec was born on April 1, 1978 and is 46 years old now.

Birthday: April 1, 1978
How Old - Age: 46

Miroslava Vavrinec Death Fact Check

Miroslava is alive and kicking and is currently 46 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Miroslava Vavrinec - Biography

Miroslava "Mirka" Federer (born Miroslava Vavrincová on 1 April 1978, later Miroslava Vavrinec) is a Slovak-born Swiss former professional tennis player. She reached her career-high WTA singles ranking of World No. 76 on 10 September 2001 and a doubles ranking of World No. 215 on 24 August 1998. She is the wife of professional tennis player Roger Federer, having first met him at the 2000 Summer Olympics. She retired from the game in 2002 due to a persistent foot injury. She has since frequently been seen on the ATP circuit attending her husband's matches.