Ms. Agatha Bean


Is Ms. Agatha Bean Dead or Still Alive? Ms. Agatha Bean Birthday and Date of Death

Ms. Agatha Bean

Ms. Agatha Bean Death

Agatha passed away in 2015 in United States. Agatha's cause of death was face burned off in deep fryer.

Ms. Agatha Bean death quick facts:
  • When did Ms. Agatha Bean die?

  • How did Ms. Agatha Bean die? What was the cause of death?

    Face burned off in deep fryer
  • How old was Ms. Agatha Bean when died?

  • Where did Ms. Agatha Bean die? What was the location of death?

    United States

Ms. Agatha Bean Birthday and Date of Death

Ms. Agatha Bean died in 2015.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: 2015
Age at Death: -

Ms. Agatha Bean - Biography

Agatha Bean was a recurring character on Season One of Scream Queens. She was the housekeeper for Kappa Kappa Tau until her death in Pilot.She is portrayed by Jan Hoag.