Nathalie Fust


Is Nathalie Fust Dead or Still Alive? Nathalie Fust Birthday and Age

Nathalie Fust

How Old Is Nathalie Fust? Nathalie Fust Birthday

Nathalie Fust was born on October 20, 1991 and is 33 years old now.

Birthday: October 20, 1991
How Old - Age: 33

Nathalie Fust Death Fact Check

Nathalie is alive and kicking and is currently 33 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Nathalie Fust - Biography

Nathalie Fust was born on October 20,1991 in a little town in Sweden She grew up with with a wonderful family on the country and was a very creative child already from start . They only had 2 neighbors and the rest of the area was a big forest . You needed to drive 40 minutes to come to the closest store and they called the city .You needed to use your fantasy and creative side to not get to bored . Already as a child me and my sister loved to perform in front of our parents . My first memory I have from dance is when my father let me stand on his feet and we danced around together. When I got older I started to realize how much dance meant to me and how I love the feeling I get from it . unfortunately there was no dance school in the city I grew up in . So I had to dance on my own in my room . Looked at ballet videos and learned from that . I also used to love watch Billy Elliot . It made me keeping my dream to me a dancer alive even if I couldn't go to an dance school . When I was 15 and it was time for me to choose the right school and choose my way to the carrier I wanted to see myself in . I took the chance I choose a dance school that was 4 hour from my home town . I had to move out from my parents when I was 15 to be able to go my own way to the dream I had since I was a child . Under those 3 years at Carlforsska gymnasiet ( the school name ) I become a really strong and confident performer . I started up to be afraid to stand on the stage and ended my journey at Carlforsska gymnasiet loving it . I decided to take the next step in my dance carrier and move to Stockholm . I stayed there for 3 years dancing and working with other jobs like personal trainer that also are a passion for me . I danced for some of Sweden's biggest artist and just wanted more of the dance world . So after 3 years in Stockholm I took the biggest step I have ever taken . I packed down my life in 2 suitcases and moved to Los Angeles. And that is where I am today and I have been living here for 1 year now . I have got to known big names in the dance business here and also met people who have become my best friends . One of them is my dance coach Adam Parson that is coaching me in my dance carrier . What do I need to work on , what does it mean to work as an artist , how do I make myself available in the business ? and he also helps me just finding myself as a person . My goals in my dancing is to become a dancer in a dance company , do modeling job , be a background dancer for some big artist , stand on some of the biggest stages and sharing the love I have for dance . I also like to do commercials and some fitness jobs too. I want to perform and share the love I have for the art form dance . Dance has helped me so much and I want to share what art can do and how it can built you up .