Nesrin Cevadzade


Is Nesrin Cevadzade Dead or Still Alive? Nesrin Cevadzade Birthday and Age

Nesrin Cevadzade

How Old Is Nesrin Cevadzade? Nesrin Cevadzade Birthday

Nesrin Cevadzade was born on July 30, 1982 and is 42 years old now.

Birthday: July 30, 1982
How Old - Age: 42

Nesrin Cevadzade Death Fact Check

Nesrin is alive and kicking and is currently 42 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Nesrin Cevadzade - Biography

Nesrin Cavadzade was born in Baku. At the age of 11 she moved to Istanbul with her family. She graduated from Marmara University, Cinema and TV department. While in university she directed five short films. She later took a break from her behind-the-camera work to focus entirely on acting. With her first leading role in feature film called "Dilber's Eight Days" she was awarded as Best Actress for several times. With one of her latest films "The Lamb" she won her second Golden Orange award last year. Most recently, Cavadzade, played a part in a well known American TV thriller called "Legends".