Pat Paulsen


Is Pat Paulsen Dead or Still Alive? Pat Paulsen Birthday and Date of Death

Pat Paulsen

Pat Paulsen Death

Pat passed away on April 24, 1997 at the age of 69 in Mexico. Pat's cause of death was pneumonia/colon cancer.

Pat Paulsen death quick facts:
  • When did Pat Paulsen die?

    April 24, 1997
  • How did Pat Paulsen die? What was the cause of death?

    Pneumonia/colon cancer
  • How old was Pat Paulsen when died?

  • Where did Pat Paulsen die? What was the location of death?


Pat Paulsen Birthday and Date of Death

Pat Paulsen was born on July 6, 1927 and died on April 24, 1997. Pat was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 6, 1927
Date of Death: April 24, 1997
Age at Death: 69

Pat Paulsen - Biography

Patrick Layton "Pat" Paulsen (July 6, 1927 – April 24, 1997) was an American comedian and satirist notable for his roles on several of the Smothers Brothers TV shows, and for his campaigns for President of the United States in 1968, 1972, 1980, 1988, 1992, and 1996, which had primarily comedic rather than political objectives, although his campaigns generated some protest votes for him.