Poul Reichhardt


Is Poul Reichhardt Dead or Still Alive? Poul Reichhardt Birthday and Date of Death

Poul Reichhardt

Poul Reichhardt Death

Poul passed away on October 31, 1985 at the age of 72 in Denmark. Poul's cause of death was heart attack.

Poul Reichhardt death quick facts:
  • When did Poul Reichhardt die?

    October 31, 1985
  • How did Poul Reichhardt die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Poul Reichhardt when died?

  • Where did Poul Reichhardt die? What was the location of death?


Poul Reichhardt Birthday and Date of Death

Poul Reichhardt was born on February 2, 1913 and died on October 31, 1985. Poul was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 2, 1913
Date of Death: October 31, 1985
Age at Death: 72

Poul Reichhardt - Biography

Poul David Reichhardt (2 February 1913 – 31 October 1985) was a Danish actor, well known for his roles in Danish 1940s/50s comedies. Later on, he also played more serious and varied roles; he has also starred in Huset på Christianshavn, Matador and as various minor characters in the Olsen Gang films.