Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland


Is Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland Dead or Still Alive? Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland Birthday and Age

Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland

How Old Is Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland? Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland Birthday

Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland was born on February 23, 2012 and is 12 years old now.

Birthday: February 23, 2012
How Old - Age: 12

Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland Death Fact Check

Estelle is alive and kicking and is currently 12 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland's father, Daniel Westling, dead or alive?

Daniel Westling's information is not available now.

Is Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland's mother, Kronprinsessan Victoria, dead or alive?

Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland's mother, Kronprinsessan Victoria, is still alive and kicking at the age of 47. She is Swedish and has had a career as a royalty.

Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland - Biography

Princess Estelle, Duchess of östergötland, is the oldest child of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland. She is the first grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf, and is second in line of succession to the Swedish throne.