Queen Of Sheba


Is Queen Of Sheba Dead or Still Alive? Queen Of Sheba Birthday and Age

Queen Of Sheba

Queen Of Sheba Death Fact Check

Queen is alive and kicking.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Queen Of Sheba - Biography

The Queen of Sheba (Hebrew: מלכת שבא‎, Malkaṯ Šəḇâ in Biblical Hebrew; Malkat Sh'va in Modern Hebrew; Ge'ez: ንግሥተ ሳባ, Nigiste Saba (Nəgəstä Saba); Arabic: ملكة سبأ‎, Malikat Sabaʾ) was a monarch of the ancient kingdom of Sheba and is referred to in Yemenite and Ethiopian history, the Bible, the Qur'an, Yoruba customary tradition, and Josephus. She is widely assumed to have been a queen regnant, but, since there is no historical proof of this, she may have been a queen consort. The location of her kingdom is uncertain. Wallis Budge believes it to be Ethiopia while Islamic tradition says Yemen. More modern scholarship suggests it was the South Arabian kingdom of Saba.