Ray McAnally


Is Ray McAnally Dead or Still Alive? Ray McAnally Birthday and Date of Death

Ray McAnally

Ray McAnally Death

Ray passed away on June 15, 1989 at the age of 63.

Ray McAnally death quick facts:
  • When did Ray McAnally die?

    June 15, 1989
  • How old was Ray McAnally when died?


Ray McAnally Birthday and Date of Death

Ray McAnally was born on March 30, 1926 and died on June 15, 1989. Ray was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 30, 1926
Date of Death: June 15, 1989
Age at Death: 63

Ray McAnally - Biography

Ray McAnally (30 March 1926 – 15 June 1989) was an Irish actor. He was the winner of four BAFTA awards in the late 1980s: twice for Best Supporting Actor (for the The Mission in 1986 and My Left Foot in 1989), and twice for Best Actor in the television category (for A Perfect Spy in 1988 and A Very British Coup in 1989).