Reb Russell


Is Reb Russell Dead or Still Alive? Reb Russell Birthday and Date of Death

Reb Russell

Reb Russell Death

Reb passed away on March 16, 1978 at the age of 72 in Coffeyville, Kansas, USA. Reb's cause of death was heart attack.

Reb Russell death quick facts:
  • When did Reb Russell die?

    March 16, 1978
  • How did Reb Russell die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Reb Russell when died?

  • Where did Reb Russell die? What was the location of death?

    Coffeyville, Kansas, USA

Reb Russell Birthday and Date of Death

Reb Russell was born on May 31, 1905 and died on March 16, 1978. Reb was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 31, 1905
Date of Death: March 16, 1978
Age at Death: 72

Reb Russell - Biography

Lafayette H. "Reb" Russell (May 31, 1905 – March 16, 1978) was an American football running back in the National Football League for the New York Giants and the Philadelphia Eagles, appearing in 10 games in 1933. He played college football at the University of Nebraska and Northwestern University. He was also a small-time actor, appearing in a series of low-budget Westerns.