René Raúl Hernández


Is René Raúl Hernández Dead or Still Alive? René Raúl Hernández Birthday and Age

René Raúl Hernández

How Old Is René Raúl Hernández? René Raúl Hernández Birthday

René Raúl Hernández was born on December 8, 1987 and is 37 years old now.

Birthday: December 8, 1987
How Old - Age: 37

René Raúl Hernández Death Fact Check

René is alive and kicking and is currently 37 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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René Raúl Hernández - Biography

René Raúl Hernández (born December 8, 1987 ) is a cuban water jumper who competed in the art jumping of the 1 m and 3 m boards and the 3 m synchronous jumping. Hernández denied his first international championships in 2011. At the Panamerican games in Guadalajara, he reached the final of the 3 m board, where he became eleventh. He won the bronze medal with Jorge Pupo in his 3m synchronous jumping and his first international medal. Hernández also participated in the World Championship in Shanghai, but missed the 3-m-board to the semi-finals clearly.