Rick Allen


Is Rick Allen Dead or Still Alive? Rick Allen Birthday and Age

Rick Allen

How Old Is Rick Allen? Rick Allen Birthday

Rick Allen was born on November 1, 1963 and is 60 years old now.

Birthday: November 1, 1963
How Old - Age: 60

Rick Allen Death Fact Check

Rick is alive and kicking and is currently 60 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Rick Allen's father, Geoffrey Allen, dead or alive?

Geoffrey Allen's information is not available now.

Is Rick Allen's mother, Kathleen Allen, dead or alive?

Kathleen Allen's information is not available now.

Rick Allen's brother :

  • Rick Allen's brother, Robert Allen, died on October 9, 1998 as he was 92 years old. His cause of death was cancer.

Rick Allen - Biography

Richard John Cyril "Rick" Allen is an English drummer who has played for the hard rock band Def Leppard since 1978. He overcame the amputation of his left arm in 1985 and continued to play with the band, which subsequently went on to its most commercially successful phase. He is known as "The Thunder God" by fans.