Rita Hayworth


Is Rita Hayworth Dead or Still Alive? Rita Hayworth Birthday and Date of Death

Rita Hayworth

Rita Hayworth Death

Rita passed away on May 14, 1987 at the age of 68 in New York City, New York, USA. Rita's cause of death was alzheimer's disease.

Rita Hayworth death quick facts:
  • When did Rita Hayworth die?

    May 14, 1987
  • How did Rita Hayworth die? What was the cause of death?

    Alzheimer's disease
  • How old was Rita Hayworth when died?

  • Where did Rita Hayworth die? What was the location of death?

    New York City, New York, USA

Rita Hayworth Birthday and Date of Death

Rita Hayworth was born on October 17, 1918 and died on May 14, 1987. Rita was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 17, 1918
Date of Death: May 14, 1987
Age at Death: 68

Is Rita Hayworth's father, Eduardo Cansino Sr., dead or alive?

Eduardo Cansino Sr.'s information is not available now.

Is Rita Hayworth's mother, Volga Hayworth Cansino, dead or alive?

Volga Hayworth Cansino's information is not available now.

Rita Hayworth's brothers :

Rita has 2 brothers:
  • Rita Hayworth's brother, Eduardo Cansino jr, died on March 11, 1974 as he was 54 years old. His cause of death was cancer.

  • Rita Hayworth's brother, Vernon Cansino, died on March 23, 1974 as he was 51 years old.

Rita Hayworth's pets, dead or alive?

  • Doberman (Dog) [1940]
  • cocker spaniel (Dog - Pookles)
  • dachshunds (Dog)

Rita Hayworth - Biography

Rita Hayworth was an American actress and dancer. She achieved fame during the 1940s as one of the era's top stars, appearing in a total of 61 films over 37 years. The press coined the term "love goddess" to describe Hayworth after she had become the most glamorous screen idol of the 1940s. She was the top pin-up girl for GIs during World War II.