Robert F. Overmyer Death
Robert passed away on March 22, 1996 at the age of 59 in Duluth, Minnesota, United States.
When did Robert F. Overmyer die?
March 22, 1996How old was Robert F. Overmyer when died?
59Where did Robert F. Overmyer die? What was the location of death?
Duluth, Minnesota, United States
Robert F. Overmyer Birthday and Date of Death
Robert F. Overmyer was born on July 14, 1936 and died on March 22, 1996. Robert was 59 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: July 14, 1936
Date of Death: March 22, 1996
Age at Death: 59
Robert F. Overmyer - Biography
Robert Franklyn "Bob" Overmyer (July 14, 1936 – March 22, 1996), (Col, USMC), was an American test pilot, naval aviator, aeronautical engineer, physicist, United States Marine Corps officer, and USAF/NASA astronaut. He was born in Lorain, Ohio, but considered Westlake, Ohio his hometown. Overmyer was selected by the United States Air Force as an astronaut for its Manned Orbiting Laboratory in 1966. Upon cancellation of this program in 1969, he became a NASA astronaut and served support crew duties for the Skylab program and Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. In 1976, he was assigned to the Space Shuttle program, and flew as pilot on STS-5 in 1982, and as commander on STS-51-B in 1985. He was selected as a lead investigator into the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, and retired from NASA in 1986.