Robert James Lees


Is Robert James Lees Dead or Still Alive? Robert James Lees Birthday and Date of Death

Robert James Lees

Robert James Lees Death

Robert passed away on January 11, 1931 at the age of 81 in His home, 'Hazelhurst', Fosse Road South, Leicester.

Robert James Lees death quick facts:
  • When did Robert James Lees die?

    January 11, 1931
  • How old was Robert James Lees when died?

  • Where did Robert James Lees die? What was the location of death?

    His home, 'Hazelhurst', Fosse Road South, Leicester

Robert James Lees Birthday and Date of Death

Robert James Lees was born on August 12, 1849 and died on January 11, 1931. Robert was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 12, 1849
Date of Death: January 11, 1931
Age at Death: 81

Is Robert James Lees's father, William Lingham Lees, dead or alive?

William Lingham Lees's information is not available now.

Is Robert James Lees's mother, Elizabeth Patch, dead or alive?

Elizabeth Patch's information is not available now.

Robert James Lees - Biography

Robert James Lees was a British spiritualist, medium, preacher, writer and healer of the late Victorian era and early twentieth century known today for claims that he knew the identity of Jack the Ripper, responsible for the Whitechapel murders of 1888.