Robert Parrish


Is Robert Parrish Dead or Still Alive? Robert Parrish Birthday and Date of Death

Robert Parrish

Robert Parrish Death

Robert passed away on December 4, 1995 at the age of 79 in Southampton, Long Island, New York, USA. Robert's cause of death was heart attack.

Robert Parrish death quick facts:
  • When did Robert Parrish die?

    December 4, 1995
  • How did Robert Parrish die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Robert Parrish when died?

  • Where did Robert Parrish die? What was the location of death?

    Southampton, Long Island, New York, USA

Robert Parrish Birthday and Date of Death

Robert Parrish was born on January 4, 1916 and died on December 4, 1995. Robert was 79 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 4, 1916
Date of Death: December 4, 1995
Age at Death: 79

Is Robert Parrish's father, Gordon R. Parrish, dead or alive?

Gordon R. Parrish's information is not available now.

Is Robert Parrish's mother, Laura R. Parrish, dead or alive?

Laura R. Parrish's information is not available now.

Robert Parrish's sisters :

Robert has 2 sisters:
  • Beverly Parrish
  • Helen Parrish

Robert Parrish - Biography

Robert R. Parrish was an American film director, editor and writer and former child actor. He received an Academy Award for Film Editing for his contribution to Body and Soul.