Ron Kershaw


Is Ron Kershaw Dead or Still Alive? Ron Kershaw Birthday and Date of Death

Ron Kershaw

Ron Kershaw Death

Ron passed away on July 1, 1989 at the age of 44.

Ron Kershaw death quick facts:
  • When did Ron Kershaw die?

    July 1, 1989
  • How old was Ron Kershaw when died?


Ron Kershaw Birthday and Date of Death

Ron Kershaw was born in 1945 and died on July 1, 1989. Ron was 44 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1945
Date of Death: July 1, 1989
Age at Death: 44

Ron Kershaw - Biography

Ron Kershaw (1945 – July 1989) was an American television news executive responsible for several television news innovations. Considered somewhat a genius, Kershaw was the news director in several large cities across the United States including New York, Chicago and Baltimore.