Roy Edward Disney Death
Roy passed away on December 16, 2009 at the age of 79 in Newport Beach, California. Roy's cause of death was stomach cancer.
When did Roy Edward Disney die?
December 16, 2009How did Roy Edward Disney die? What was the cause of death?
Stomach cancerHow old was Roy Edward Disney when died?
79Where did Roy Edward Disney die? What was the location of death?
Newport Beach, California
Roy Edward Disney Birthday and Date of Death
Roy Edward Disney was born on January 10, 1930 and died on December 16, 2009. Roy was 79 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 10, 1930
Date of Death: December 16, 2009
Age at Death: 79
Is Roy Edward Disney's father, Roy Oliver Disney, dead or alive?
Roy Oliver Disney's information is not available now.
Is Roy Edward Disney's mother, Edna Disney, dead or alive?
Roy Edward Disney's mother, Edna Disney, died on December 18, 1984 as she was 94 years old.
Roy Edward Disney - Biography
Roy Edward Disney, KCSG was a longtime senior executive for The Walt Disney Company, which was founded by his father, Roy Oliver Disney and uncle Walt Disney. At the time of his death he held more than 16 million shares, and served as a consultant for the company, as Director Emeritus for the Board of Directors. He is perhaps best known for organizing the ousting of two top Disney executives: Ron Miller in 1984, and Michael Eisner in 2005.