Roy Lichtenstein


Is Roy Lichtenstein Dead or Still Alive? Roy Lichtenstein Birthday and Date of Death

Roy Lichtenstein

Roy Lichtenstein Death

Roy passed away on September 29, 1997 at the age of 73.

Roy Lichtenstein death quick facts:
  • When did Roy Lichtenstein die?

    September 29, 1997
  • How old was Roy Lichtenstein when died?


Roy Lichtenstein Birthday and Date of Death

Roy Lichtenstein was born on October 27, 1923 and died on September 29, 1997. Roy was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 27, 1923
Date of Death: September 29, 1997
Age at Death: 73

Roy Lichtenstein - Biography

Roy Fox Lichtenstein (pronounced /ˈlɪktənˌstaɪn/; October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was an American pop artist. During the 1960s, along with Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and James Rosenquist among others, he became a leading figure in the new art movement. His work defined the basic premise of pop art through parody. Favoring the comic strip as his main inspiration, Lichtenstein produced hard-edged, precise compositions that documented while it parodied often in a tongue-in-cheek manner. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He described pop art as "not 'American' painting but actually industrial painting." His paintings were exhibited at the Leo Castelli Gallery in New York City.