Rudy Challenger


Is Rudy Challenger Dead or Still Alive? Rudy Challenger Birthday and Age

Rudy Challenger

How Old Is Rudy Challenger? Rudy Challenger Birthday

Rudy Challenger was born on October 2, 1928 and is 96 years old now.

Birthday: October 2, 1928
How Old - Age: 96

Rudy Challenger Death Fact Check

Rudy is alive and kicking and is currently 96 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Rudy Challenger - Biography

Rudolph "Rudy" Challenger (born October 2, 1928) is a retired African-American supporting actor who had a roles in various projects over the course of his thirty-four year career in films and television in Hollywood. He has appeared on such shows as Sanford And Son, Kojak, Lou Grant, and the Fall Guy. He also appeared in the 1970s blaxploitation flicks Detroit 9000 (1973) and the highly successful box office hit film Sheba Baby opposite actress Pam Grier (1975).