Sacha Guitry Death
Sacha passed away on July 24, 1957 at the age of 72 in Paris, France.
When did Sacha Guitry die?
July 24, 1957How old was Sacha Guitry when died?
72Where did Sacha Guitry die? What was the location of death?
Paris, France
Sacha Guitry Birthday and Date of Death
Sacha Guitry was born on February 21, 1885 and died on July 24, 1957. Sacha was 72 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: February 21, 1885
Date of Death: July 24, 1957
Age at Death: 72
Is Sacha Guitry's father, Lucien Guitry, dead or alive?
Lucien Guitry's information is not available now.
Is Sacha Guitry's mother, Marie-Louise-Renée Delmas de Pont-Jest, dead or alive?
Marie-Louise-Renée Delmas de Pont-Jest's information is not available now.
Sacha Guitry - Biography
Alexandre-Pierre Georges "Sacha" Guitry was a French stage actor, film actor, director, screenwriter, and playwright of the Boulevard theatre. He was the son of a leading French actor, Lucien Guitry, and followed his father into the theatrical profession. He became known for his stage performances, often in boulevardier roles, in the many plays he wrote, of which there were more than 120. He was married five times, always to rising actresses whose careers he furthered. Probably his best-known wife was Yvonne Printemps to whom he was married between 1919 and 1932.