Samuel Eliot Morison


Is Samuel Eliot Morison Dead or Still Alive? Samuel Eliot Morison Birthday and Date of Death

Samuel Eliot Morison

Samuel Eliot Morison Death

Samuel passed away on May 15, 1976 at the age of 88 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

Samuel Eliot Morison death quick facts:
  • When did Samuel Eliot Morison die?

    May 15, 1976
  • How old was Samuel Eliot Morison when died?

  • Where did Samuel Eliot Morison die? What was the location of death?

    Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Samuel Eliot Morison Birthday and Date of Death

Samuel Eliot Morison was born on July 9, 1887 and died on May 15, 1976. Samuel was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 9, 1887
Date of Death: May 15, 1976
Age at Death: 88

Samuel Eliot Morison - Biography

Samuel Eliot Morison, Rear Admiral, United States Naval Reserve (July 9, 1887 – May 15, 1976) was an American historian noted for his works of maritime history that were both authoritative and highly readable. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1912, and taught history at the university for 40 years. He won Pulitzer Prizes for Admiral of the Ocean Sea (1942), a biography of Christopher Columbus, and John Paul Jones: A Sailor's Biography (1959). In 1942, he was commissioned by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to write a history of United States naval operations in World War II, which was published in 15 volumes between 1947 and 1962. He retired from the navy in 1951 as a rear admiral. Morison wrote the popular Oxford History of the American People (1965), and co-authored the classic textbook The Growth of the American Republic (1930) with Henry Steele Commager. Over the course of his distinguished career, Morison received eleven honorary doctoral degrees, including degrees from Harvard University (1936), Columbia University (1942), Yale University (1949), and the University of Oxford (1951). Morison also garnered numerous literary prizes, military honors, and national awards from both foreign countries and the United States, including two Pulitzer Prizes, two Bancroft Prizes, the Balzan Prize, the Legion of Merit, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.