Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene


Is Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene Dead or Still Alive? Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene Birthday and Date of Death

Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene

Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene Death

Sonia passed away on December 26, 1972 at the age of 89 in Sunnyvale, California.

Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene death quick facts:
  • When did Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene die?

    December 26, 1972
  • How old was Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene when died?

  • Where did Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene die? What was the location of death?

    Sunnyvale, California

Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene Birthday and Date of Death

Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene was born on March 16, 1883 and died on December 26, 1972. Sonia was 89 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 16, 1883
Date of Death: December 26, 1972
Age at Death: 89

Sonia Haft Shifirkin Greene - Biography

Sonia Haft Greene Lovecraft Davis (16 March 1883, Ichnia, Ukraine - 26 December 1972) was a one-time pulp fiction writer and amateur publisher, a single mother, business woman and successful milliner who bankrolled several fanzines in the early twentieth century. She is best known for her two-year marriage to American weird fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. She was a president of the United Amateur Press Association.