How Old Is Sonja Morgan? Sonja Morgan Birthday
Sonja Morgan was born on November 25, 1963 and is 61 years old now.
Birthday: November 25, 1963
How Old - Age: 61
Sonja Morgan Death Fact Check
Sonja is alive and kicking and is currently 61 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Sonja Morgan - Biography
Long before Sonja became a household name through her appearances on U.S. and International television, she was and still is a “mover and shaker” among New York City high-rollers and international jet-setters. She started her journey at The Fashion Institute of Technology, majoring in Marketing. In between classes and semesters, she travelled the globe as a fashion model and actress. She eventually settled in New York City, but also resided and worked in California, France, and Colorado. After pursuing a business career in Fashion Retailing and Wholesale in the New York Garment District she then became a Restaurant, Hotel and Luxury Brand Consultant and Manager for some of the top establishments across the country. These brands counted on Sonja to know intuitively what their discerning client-base wanted and how to satisfy their inexhaustible list of high-class needs. Whether she was representing an Italian custom tailor or consulting the new hot spot at The Plaza Hotel for Donald Trump who called her “The Glue” when speaking to Sirio Maccioni of Le Cirque at his wedding to Marla, Sonja was the go to “It Girl”.