Soraya Manutchehri


Is Soraya Manutchehri Dead or Still Alive? Soraya Manutchehri Birthday and Date of Death

Soraya Manutchehri

Soraya Manutchehri Death

Soraya passed away on August 15, 1986.

Soraya Manutchehri death quick facts:
  • When did Soraya Manutchehri die?

    August 15, 1986
  • How old was Soraya Manutchehri when died?


Soraya Manutchehri Birthday and Date of Death

Soraya Manutchehri died on August 15, 1986.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: August 15, 1986
Age at Death: -

Soraya Manutchehri - Biography

Soraya Manutchehri was a 35-year-old woman who was stoned to death in the small village of Kuhpayeh, Iran on 15 August 1986 after being allegedly convicted of adultery. Unnamed witnesses have claimed that her husband, Ghorban-Ali, a prison guard with a petty criminal past, was eager to get rid of her in order to marry a 14-year-old girl. Not wanting to support two families nor return Soraya's dowry, he therefore spread false rumors of her adultery.