Suzette Harbin


Is Suzette Harbin Dead or Still Alive? Suzette Harbin Birthday and Date of Death

Suzette Harbin

Suzette Harbin Death

Suzette passed away on September 5, 1994 at the age of 83 in Texas.

Suzette Harbin death quick facts:
  • When did Suzette Harbin die?

    September 5, 1994
  • How old was Suzette Harbin when died?

  • Where did Suzette Harbin die? What was the location of death?


Suzette Harbin Birthday and Date of Death

Suzette Harbin was born on July 4, 1911 and died on September 5, 1994. Suzette was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 4, 1911
Date of Death: September 5, 1994
Age at Death: 83

Suzette Harbin - Biography

Strikingly beautiful Suzette Harbin with a beautiful shade of brown skin was quite a unique actress. She won a beauty contest which gained the way for a movie career. She`s most remembered for her roles in "The Foxes of Harrow," "Look Out Sister," and "Bomba and the Jungle Girl." She became a star through the movie "The Foxes of Harrow," her wonderful performance in the controversial film made her a movie star within the black community. She played the role of a beautiful slave girl who would rather die than bring her child up in slavery. She was praised for being the first to play such a role and not be stereotypical. She became competition to Lena Horne as far as the studios were concerned. They saw a lot of potential in Suzette. She was able to adapt to any role given her, she had many likable qualities as an actress, easy going, alluring, a face that tells a story, also as an actress she showed she didn`t have to be over the top to be dramatic and emotional and she always won over audiences with her trademark million dollar smile. There was something special about Suzette Harbin, she didn`t have to do much to keep movie watchers interested. She`s a lady you will not forget once you see her.