Theodora Death
Theodora passed away on June 28, 548 at the age of 47 in Constantinople.
Theodora death quick facts:
When did Theodora die?
June 28, 548How old was Theodora when died?
47Where did Theodora die? What was the location of death?
Theodora Birthday and Date of Death
Theodora was born on July 19, 500 and died on June 28, 548. Theodora was 47 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: July 19, 500
Date of Death: June 28, 548
Age at Death: 47
Theodora - Biography
Theodora (Greek: , 980 – late August/early September, 1056) was a Byzantine Empress. Born into the Macedonian dynasty that had ruled the Byzantine Empire for almost two hundred years, she was co-empress with her sister Zoe for two months in 1042 and sole empress from January 11, 1055 to after August 31, 1056. She was the last of the Macedonian line, and upon her death, the empire entered a period of decline that lasted until the accession of Alexios I Komnenos in 1081.