Thoko Didiza


Is Thoko Didiza Dead or Still Alive? Thoko Didiza Birthday and Age

Thoko Didiza

How Old Is Thoko Didiza? Thoko Didiza Birthday

Thoko Didiza was born on June 2, 1965 and is 59 years old now.

Birthday: June 2, 1965
How Old - Age: 59

Thoko Didiza Death Fact Check

Thoko is alive and kicking and is currently 59 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Thoko Didiza - Biography

Angela Thoko Didiza (born 2 June 1965) is a South African politician. She held the post of Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs from 17 June 1999 to 22 May 2006 and later Minister of Public Works from 22 May 2006 to 25 September 2008.