Toby Leonard Moore


Is Toby Leonard Moore Dead or Still Alive? Toby Leonard Moore Birthday and Age

Toby Leonard Moore

How Old Is Toby Leonard Moore? Toby Leonard Moore Birthday

Toby Leonard Moore was born on April 26, 1981 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: April 26, 1981
How Old - Age: 43

Toby Leonard Moore Death Fact Check

Toby is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Toby Leonard Moore's father, Hal Moore, dead or alive?

Toby Leonard Moore's father, Hal Moore, died on February 10, 2017 as he was 94 years old.

Is Toby Leonard Moore's mother, Robyn Moore, dead or alive?

Toby Leonard Moore's mother, Robyn Moore, is still alive and kicking at the age of 74. She is Australian and has had a career as an actress.

Toby Leonard Moore's brother :

  • Toby Leonard Moore's brother, Daniel, is still alive and kicking at the age of 56. He is Brazilian and has had a career as a country musician.

Toby Leonard Moore's pet, dead or alive?

  • Bandit(dog-pug)

Toby Leonard Moore - Biography

Toby Leonard Moore was born in Sydney, Australia in 1981 and moved to Hobart, Tasmania at the age of 11. He studied acting at the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) in Sydney (past alumni are Cate Blanchett, Sam Worthington and Mel Gibson), graduating in 2005. In Sydney theatre, he's appeared on stage in Company B's production of Peribanez, directed by Neil Armfield as well as in Sydney Theatre Company productions of Dead Caesar, Stag, and most recently, Saturn's Return, directed by David Berthold. His Australian TV appearances include "Murder in the Outback" and his American credits include 6 episodes of Spielberg and Hanks' HBO epic mini-series "The Pacific," playing Sergeant Stone (released March 2010). In 2010 he was credited for guest starring as Walton in the Dollhouse episode "Gray Hour." He has since appeared in 2014's John Wick starring Keanu Reeves, guest starred on White Collar, and in 2015 was seen as James Wesley, Wilson Fisk's (Vincent D'Onofrio) right-hand man in Netflix's high rated Daredevil. 2016 will see him beside Paul Giamatti in the anticipated "Billions."