Tom O'Horgan


Is Tom O'Horgan Dead or Still Alive? Tom O'Horgan Birthday and Date of Death

Tom O'Horgan

Tom O'Horgan Death

Tom passed away on January 11, 2009 at the age of 84.

Tom O'Horgan death quick facts:
  • When did Tom O'Horgan die?

    January 11, 2009
  • How old was Tom O'Horgan when died?


Tom O'Horgan Birthday and Date of Death

Tom O'Horgan was born on May 3, 1924 and died on January 11, 2009. Tom was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 3, 1924
Date of Death: January 11, 2009
Age at Death: 84

Tom O'Horgan - Biography

Tom O'Horgan (May 3, 1924 – January 11, 2009) was an American theatre and film director, composer, actor and musician. He is best known for his Broadway work as director of the hit musicals Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar. During his career he sought to achieve a form of "total theater" described by the New York Times as “wittily physical,” and which earned him a reputation as the “Busby Berkeley of the acid set.”