Tony Conigliaro


Is Tony Conigliaro Dead or Still Alive? Tony Conigliaro Birthday and Date of Death

Tony Conigliaro

Tony Conigliaro Death

Tony passed away on February 24, 1990 at the age of 45 in Salem, MA.

Tony Conigliaro death quick facts:
  • When did Tony Conigliaro die?

    February 24, 1990
  • How old was Tony Conigliaro when died?

  • Where did Tony Conigliaro die? What was the location of death?

    Salem, MA

Tony Conigliaro Birthday and Date of Death

Tony Conigliaro was born on January 7, 1945 and died on February 24, 1990. Tony was 45 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 7, 1945
Date of Death: February 24, 1990
Age at Death: 45

Tony Conigliaro - Biography

Anthony Richard Conigliaro (January 7, 1945 – February 24, 1990), nicknamed "Tony C" and "Conig", was a Major League Baseball outfielder and right-handed batter who played for the Boston Red Sox (1964–67, 1969–1970, 1975) and California Angels (1971). He was born in Revere, Massachusetts and was a 1962 graduate of St. Mary's High School (Lynn, Massachusetts). During the Red Sox "Impossible Dream" season of 1967, he was hit in the face by a pitch, causing a severe eye injury and derailing his career. Though he would make a comeback from the injury, his career was not the same afterwards.