Tony Fontane


Is Tony Fontane Dead or Still Alive? Tony Fontane Birthday and Date of Death

Tony Fontane

Tony Fontane Death

Tony passed away on June 30, 1974 at the age of 48 in Canoga Park, California. Tony's cause of death was prostate cancer.

Tony Fontane death quick facts:
  • When did Tony Fontane die?

    June 30, 1974
  • How did Tony Fontane die? What was the cause of death?

    Prostate cancer
  • How old was Tony Fontane when died?

  • Where did Tony Fontane die? What was the location of death?

    Canoga Park, California

Tony Fontane Birthday and Date of Death

Tony Fontane was born on September 18, 1925 and died on June 30, 1974. Tony was 48 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 18, 1925
Date of Death: June 30, 1974
Age at Death: 48

Is Tony Fontane's father, Joseph Trankina, dead or alive?

Joseph Trankina's information is not available now.

Is Tony Fontane's mother, Raphaella Trankina, dead or alive?

Raphaella Trankina's information is not available now.

Tony Fontane - Biography

Tony Fontane was a popular American recording artist in the 1940s and 1950s who, following a near-fatal car accident in 1957, gave up his popular career to pursue one as a gospel singer. Thanks to his high, clear tenor voice and unrelenting sense of purpose, he became one of the world's most famous gospel singers, performing in concert halls and churches around the globe and recording many quality albums for RCA.