Ty Cobb


Is Ty Cobb Dead or Still Alive? Ty Cobb Birthday and Date of Death

Ty Cobb

Ty Cobb Death

Tyrus passed away on July 17, 1961 at the age of 74 in Atlanta, GA. Tyrus's cause of death was cancer.

Ty Cobb death quick facts:
  • When did Ty Cobb die?

    July 17, 1961
  • How did Ty Cobb die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Ty Cobb when died?

  • Where did Ty Cobb die? What was the location of death?

    Atlanta, GA

Ty Cobb Birthday and Date of Death

Ty Cobb was born on December 18, 1886 and died on July 17, 1961. Tyrus was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 18, 1886
Date of Death: July 17, 1961
Age at Death: 74

Is Ty Cobb's father, William Hershel Cobb, dead or alive?

William Hershel Cobb's information is not available now.

Is Ty Cobb's mother, Amanda Chitwood Cobb, dead or alive?

Amanda Chitwood Cobb's information is not available now.

Ty Cobb's sister :

  • Florence Leslie Cobb

Ty Cobb - Biography

Tyrus Raymond "Ty" Cobb, nicknamed "The Georgia Peach", was an American Major League Baseball outfielder. He was born in rural Narrows, Georgia. Cobb spent 22 seasons with the Detroit Tigers, the last six as the team's player-manager, and finished his career with the Philadelphia Athletics. In 1936 Cobb received the most votes of any player on the inaugural Baseball Hall of Fame ballot, receiving 222 out of a possible 226 votes. In 1999, editors at The Sporting News ranked Ty Cobb 3rd on their list of "Baseball's 100 Greatest Players".