How Old Is Ulla Weigerstorfer? Ulla Weigerstorfer Birthday
Ulla Weigerstorfer was born on August 16, 1967 and is 57 years old now.
Birthday: August 16, 1967
How Old - Age: 57
Ulla Weigerstorfer Death Fact Check
Ulla is alive and kicking and is currently 57 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Ulla Weigerstorfer - Biography
Ulla Weigerstorfer (born Ulrike Weigerstorfer 28 November 1967 in Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria) is an Austrian TV Host, model and beauty queen who won the 1987 Miss World pageant in London, United Kingdom, representing Austria. She became the second titleholder from her country, after Eva Rueber-Staier of Austria in 1969.