Unity Mitford


Is Unity Mitford Dead or Still Alive? Unity Mitford Birthday and Date of Death

Unity Mitford

Unity Mitford Death

Unity passed away on May 28, 1948 at the age of 33 in Oban, Scotland, UK.

Unity Mitford death quick facts:
  • When did Unity Mitford die?

    May 28, 1948
  • How old was Unity Mitford when died?

  • Where did Unity Mitford die? What was the location of death?

    Oban, Scotland, UK

Unity Mitford Birthday and Date of Death

Unity Mitford was born on August 8, 1914 and died on May 28, 1948. Unity was 33 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 8, 1914
Date of Death: May 28, 1948
Age at Death: 33

Is Unity Mitford's father, Lord Redesdale, dead or alive?

Lord Redesdale's information is not available now.

Is Unity Mitford's mother, Lady Redesdale, dead or alive?

Lady Redesdale's information is not available now.

Unity Mitford's sisters :

Unity has 5 sisters:
  • Nancy Freeman Mitford
  • Pamela Mitford
  • Unity Mitford's sister, Diana Mitford, died on August 11, 2003 as he was 93 years old. His cause of death was complications from a stroke.

  • Jessica Lucy Mitford
  • Deborah Vivian Mitford

Unity Mitford's brother :

  • Thomas Mitford

Unity Mitford - Biography

Unity Valkyrie Freeman-Mitford was an English socialite best known as a devotee of Adolf Hitler.