Vanessa Mai


Is Vanessa Mai Dead or Still Alive? Vanessa Mai Birthday and Age

Vanessa Mai

How Old Is Vanessa Mai? Vanessa Mai Birthday

Vanessa Mai was born on May 2, 1992 and is 32 years old now.

Birthday: May 2, 1992
How Old - Age: 32

Vanessa Mai Death Fact Check

Vanessa is alive and kicking and is currently 32 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Vanessa Mai - Biography

Vanessa Mai (* May 2, 1992 in Aspach as Vanessa Mandekic ) is a German singer . She was a member of the pop band clouds free known and worked for dissolution of the band as a solo singer.Life May has completed a professional apprenticeship as a media designer . She had her first public appearance as a singer in the school music The Wizard of Oz. Previously, she had occasionally accompanied her father, a native Croatian and musician, among others, at the age of seven with the tambourine on the stage and at ten years the first vocal appearances with the titles Er Belongs to me and blame was only the Bossa Nova had. In 2008, at the age of 15, she participated in the Hip-Hop- WM in Las Vegas as part of the dance group " Getting Craz'd" , where they took the final place as German champions. Since 2013 she has been with her manager Andreas Ferber. In 2012, she met Andrea Berg 's stepdaughter in a club in Stuttgart . At the beginning of 2016 they became engaged. She chose her artist name after her birth month. In 2012, she met Andrea Berg 's stepdaughter in a club in Stuttgart . At the beginning of 2016 they became engaged. She chose her artist name after her birth month. In 2012, she met Andrea Berg 's stepdaughter in a club in Stuttgart. At the beginning of 2016 they became engaged. She chose her artist name after her birth month.Musical career With Cloudless (2012-2015) In the summer of 2012 the former cloud-free singer Heike Wanner had to leave the band for health reasons. On a concert visit, May was invited by Wolkenfreier-member Marc Fischer as a singer. In July 2013 the debut single appeared jeans, T-shirt and freedom . The debut album Endlos in love followed in February 2014, with which they reached in all German-speaking countries in the album charts. In April 2015 Marc Fischer and Stefan Kinski announced their departure from the band. Since then, the project has been embodied only through May (usually under the addendum "Cloud-free star Vanessa Mai"). Second studio album Wachküstenst (2015) With cloud 7 , the first single release of the second album was released on May 22nd. One day before the release of the album, Deutsche Musik Fernsehen was devoted to a 65-minute TV special May and the album. The second studio album Wachgeküsst appeared on July 10, 2015. In the ARD -Show Best in the summer of Florian Silbereisen presented May their single Wolke 7. Due to the great TV presence the album reached position seven of the German albumcharts as well as further placements in Austria and Switzerland. It was maize's first top 10 success. The single cloud 7 reached position 54 in Germany and position 71 in Austria. On September 18, 2015 followed with Wachgeküsst the second single from the same album. Three weeks later, on May 9, 2015, Wachgküsst (Live) Mais released his first live album. The last single release In all your colors appeared on December 11, 2015. A week later, An Angel appeared in the Christmas season with a Christmas single. The last single release In all your colors appeared on December 11, 2015. A week later, An Angel appeared in the Christmas season with a Christmas single. [8th] The last single release In all your colors appeared on December 11, 2015. A week later, An Angel appeared in the Christmas season with a Christmas single.Third studio album for you (since 2016) From January to May 2016, Vanessa May was a member of the jury in the 13th season of Germany looking for the superstar. In February of the year, she finally decided not to use the artist name Wolkenfreies any further. With I Die for you appeared on 19 February 2016 the first release of the upcoming album. On April 15th, 2016, her third studio album entitled " Für Dich", produced by Dieter Bohlen, was published. She followed her first solo tour with 26 concerts, which took her from September to November through Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. At 6.Other artistic activities In January 2015 it was announced that May is the new face of the campaign My heart beats hit. For this she applied this campaign with the help of a commercial and took the song of the same name Mein Herz beats Schlager , which was published on a sampler belonging to the project. In 2017 she takes part in Tanzshow Let's Dance