Vanessa Mancini


Is Vanessa Mancini Dead or Still Alive? Vanessa Mancini Birthday and Date of Death

Vanessa Mancini

Vanessa Mancini Death

Vanessa passed away in 2010.

Vanessa Mancini death quick facts:
  • When did Vanessa Mancini die?

  • How old was Vanessa Mancini when died?


Vanessa Mancini Birthday and Date of Death

Vanessa Mancini died in 2010.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: 2010
Age at Death: -

Vanessa Mancini - Biography

Vanessa Mancini, played by Brooke Burns, was a recurring character introduced in Melrose Place 2.0, the fifth series of the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity.Vanessa was the fifth wife of Michael Mancini and the mother of Noah Mancini. As such, she was the stepmother to David Breck, with whom she had previously been involved and whom was the father of her son