Vicente Romo


Is Vicente Romo Dead or Still Alive? Vicente Romo Birthday and Age

Vicente Romo

How Old Is Vicente Romo? Vicente Romo Birthday

Vicente Romo was born on April 12, 1943 and is 81 years old now.

Birthday: April 12, 1943
How Old - Age: 81

Vicente Romo Death Fact Check

Vicente is alive and kicking and is currently 81 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Vicente Romo - Biography

Vicente Romo Navarro (born April 12, 1943 in Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur, Mexico) is a former professional baseball pitcher. A right-hander, Romo played all or part of eight seasons in Major League Baseball between 1968 and 1982, primarily as a relief pitcher. He had an extensive career in Mexico, where his career spanned 25 seasons from 1962–86, and he was elected to the Salón de la Fama del Beisbol Profesional de México (the Mexican Professional Baseball Hall of Fame) in 1992. He is the older brother of fellow major league pitcher Enrique Romo.