William Clark (explorer)


Is William Clark (explorer) Dead or Still Alive? William Clark (explorer) Birthday and Date of Death

William Clark (explorer)

William Clark (explorer) Death

William passed away on September 1, 1838 at the age of 68 in Saint Louis,MO,USA.

William Clark (explorer) death quick facts:
  • When did William Clark (explorer) die?

    September 1, 1838
  • How old was William Clark (explorer) when died?

  • Where did William Clark (explorer) die? What was the location of death?

    Saint Louis,MO,USA

William Clark (explorer) Birthday and Date of Death

William Clark (explorer) was born on August 1, 1770 and died on September 1, 1838. William was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 1, 1770
Date of Death: September 1, 1838
Age at Death: 68

Is William Clark (explorer)'s father, Johnathan Clark, dead or alive?

Johnathan Clark's information is not available now.

Is William Clark (explorer)'s mother, Harriet Radford Clark, dead or alive?

Harriet Radford Clark's information is not available now.

William Clark (explorer)'s sisters :

William has 2 sisters:
  • Ann Clark
  • Lucy Clark Croghan

William Clark (explorer)'s brothers :

William has 3 brothers:
  • Johnathan Clark
  • George Clark
  • Edmund Clark

William Clark (explorer) - Biography

William Clark was an American explorer, soldier, Indian agent, and territorial governor. A native of Virginia, he grew up in prestatehood Kentucky before later settling in what became the state of Missouri. Clark was a planter and slaveholder.