William R. Pogue Death
William passed away on March 4, 2014 at the age of 84 in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
William R. Pogue death quick facts:
When did William R. Pogue die?
March 4, 2014How old was William R. Pogue when died?
84Where did William R. Pogue die? What was the location of death?
Cocoa Beach, Florida
William R. Pogue Birthday and Date of Death
William R. Pogue was born on January 23, 1930 and died on March 4, 2014. William was 84 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 23, 1930
Date of Death: March 4, 2014
Age at Death: 84
William R. Pogue - Biography
William Reid "Bill" Pogue (January 23, 1930 – March 3, 2014), (Col, USAF), was an American astronaut, U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, and test pilot who was also an accomplished teacher, public speaker and author.