Zoran Milosavljevic Death
Zoran passed away on July 31, 1983 at the age of 43 in Karditsa, Greece. Zoran's cause of death was road accident.
Zoran Milosavljevic death quick facts:
When did Zoran Milosavljevic die?
July 31, 1983How did Zoran Milosavljevic die? What was the cause of death?
Road accidentHow old was Zoran Milosavljevic when died?
43Where did Zoran Milosavljevic die? What was the location of death?
Karditsa, Greece
Zoran Milosavljevic Birthday and Date of Death
Zoran Milosavljevic was born on December 12, 1939 and died on July 31, 1983. Zoran was 43 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 12, 1939
Date of Death: July 31, 1983
Age at Death: 43
Zoran Milosavljevic - Biography
Zoran Milosavljevic was a Yugoslavian actor who was born on December 12, 1939.