Adolph Green


Is Adolph Green Dead or Still Alive? Adolph Green Birthday and Date of Death

Adolph Green

Adolph Green Death

Adolph passed away on October 23, 2002 at the age of 87 in New York City, New York. Adolph's cause of death was natural causes.

Adolph Green death quick facts:
  • When did Adolph Green die?

    October 23, 2002
  • How did Adolph Green die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Adolph Green when died?

  • Where did Adolph Green die? What was the location of death?

    New York City, New York

Adolph Green Birthday and Date of Death

Adolph Green was born on December 2, 1914 and died on October 23, 2002. Adolph was 87 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 2, 1914
Date of Death: October 23, 2002
Age at Death: 87

Is Adolph Green's father, Daniel Green, dead or alive?

Daniel Green's information is not available now.

Is Adolph Green's mother, Helen Weiss, dead or alive?

Helen Weiss's information is not available now.

Adolph Green - Biography

Adolph Green was an American lyricist and playwright who, with long-time collaborator Betty Comden, penned the screenplays and songs for some of the most beloved movie musicals, particularly as part of Arthur Freed's production unit at Metro Goldwyn Mayer, during the genre's heyday. Many people thought the pair were married; they were not, but they shared a unique comic genius and sophisticated wit that enabled them to forge a six-decade-long partnership that produced some of Hollywood and Broadway's greatest hits.