Alexandra Voronin


Is Alexandra Voronin Dead or Still Alive? Alexandra Voronin Birthday and Date of Death

Alexandra Voronin

Alexandra Voronin Death

Alexandra passed away on October 1, 1993 at the age of 88 in Santa Clara, California, United States.

Alexandra Voronin death quick facts:
  • When did Alexandra Voronin die?

    October 1, 1993
  • How old was Alexandra Voronin when died?

  • Where did Alexandra Voronin die? What was the location of death?

    Santa Clara, California, United States

Alexandra Voronin Birthday and Date of Death

Alexandra Voronin was born on August 20, 1905 and died on October 1, 1993. Alexandra was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 20, 1905
Date of Death: October 1, 1993
Age at Death: 88

Alexandra Voronin - Biography

Alexandra Andreevna Voronin (also referred to as Voronine and Voronina, sometimes with Yourieff as a final name; Russian: Александра Андреевна Воронина, 20 August 1905 in the Soviet Union -- 1 October 1993 in Santa Clara, California) was Vidkun Quisling's first wife, who was the leader of Nasjonal Samling (NS), the political party which collaborated with the German occupational force in Norway during World War II.