Alfred L. Werker


Is Alfred L. Werker Dead or Still Alive? Alfred L. Werker Birthday and Date of Death

Alfred L. Werker

Alfred L. Werker Death

Alfred passed away on July 28, 1975 at the age of 78.

Alfred L. Werker death quick facts:
  • When did Alfred L. Werker die?

    July 28, 1975
  • How old was Alfred L. Werker when died?


Alfred L. Werker Birthday and Date of Death

Alfred L. Werker was born on December 2, 1896 and died on July 28, 1975. Alfred was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 2, 1896
Date of Death: July 28, 1975
Age at Death: 78

Alfred L. Werker - Biography

Alfred L. Werker (1896–1975)Director | Assistant Director | ProducerTrivia: American director, in films from 1917. Under contract to Fox/20th Century-Fox from 1929-33, 1937-39 and 1941-42. At Paramount in 1928 and 1934-35 and at Poverty Row studio Eagle-Lion (formerly PRC) during the late 1940s. Known as the go-to "film doctor" in Hollywood--he was often brought in to finish a film that the original director didn't or ...Born: Alfred Louis Werker December 2, 1896 in Deadwood, South Dakota, USADied: July 28, 1975 (age 78) in Orange County, California, USAAlfred L. WerkerActive - 1925 - 1957 | Born - Dec 2, 1896 in Deadwood, SD | Genres - Drama, Western, Action, Comedy, RomanceBiography In films from 1917, director Alfred L. Werker was either a competent craftsman or talented hack, depending on which of his colleagues you consulted. After paying his dues in a series of secondary production jobs, Werker began directing Fred Thompson westerns in 1925. He began his long association with Fox Studios (later 20th Century-Fox) with 1928's Chasing Through Europe. When Erich Von Stroheim was pulled off his 1932 directorial effort Walking Down Broadway, Werker took over, finishing the film (released as Hello Sister) minus screen credit. The Werker and Stroheim sequences were as different as night and day, fueling the rumor that Werker was, at base, a second-rater. How, then, does one explain such excellent Werker productions as House of Rothschild (1934) and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939), the latter regarded by many as the all-time best of the Rathbone/Bruce "Holmes" pictures. During the early 1940s, Werker was assigned several comedies, notably Disney's The Reluctant Dragon (1941; live-action sequences only), Laurel & Hardy's A-Haunting We Will Go (1942) and Milton Berle's Whispering Ghost (1943); none were particularly distinguished. Briefly associated with the young-and-hungry Eagle Lion studios in the late 1940s, Werker turned out some of his best work, including the intriguing murder melodrama Repeat Performance (1947). Outwardly, his finest achievement during this period was He Walked By Night (1948), though much of this film was the handiwork of an uncredited Anthony Mann. Werker retired in 1957.