Alice Bauer


Is Alice Bauer Dead or Still Alive? Alice Bauer Birthday and Date of Death

Alice Bauer

Alice Bauer Death

Alice passed away on March 7, 2002 at the age of 74 in PALM DESERT, Calif. Alice's cause of death was the cause of death was complications of colon cancer.

Alice Bauer death quick facts:
  • When did Alice Bauer die?

    March 7, 2002
  • How did Alice Bauer die? What was the cause of death?

    The cause of death was complications of colon cancer
  • How old was Alice Bauer when died?

  • Where did Alice Bauer die? What was the location of death?

    PALM DESERT, Calif

Alice Bauer Birthday and Date of Death

Alice Bauer was born in 1928 and died on March 7, 2002. Alice was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1928
Date of Death: March 7, 2002
Age at Death: 74

Alice Bauer's sister :

  • Marlene Hagge née Bauer

Alice Bauer - Biography

Alice Bauer, 74, a Founder of the L.P.G.A.Published: March 10, 2002FacebookTwitterGoogle+EmailSharePrintReprints PALM DESERT, Calif., March 7— Alice Bauer, one of the 13 founding members of the Ladies Professional Golf Association in 1950, died on Wednesday. She was 74 years old. The cause of death was complications of colon cancer, which was diagnosed six years ago. Bauer, who never won an L.P.G.A. Tour event, died at the home of her sister, Marlene Bauer Hagge, another L.P.G.A. founder, who was recently elected to the L.P.G.A. Hall of Fame. For More Go To