Amalia of Cleves


Is Amalia of Cleves Dead or Still Alive? Amalia of Cleves Birthday and Date of Death

Amalia of Cleves

Amalia of Cleves Death

Amalia passed away on March 1, 1586 at the age of 68 in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Amalia of Cleves death quick facts:
  • When did Amalia of Cleves die?

    March 1, 1586
  • How old was Amalia of Cleves when died?

  • Where did Amalia of Cleves die? What was the location of death?

    Dusseldorf, Germany

Amalia of Cleves Birthday and Date of Death

Amalia of Cleves was born on October 17, 1517 and died on March 1, 1586. Amalia was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 17, 1517
Date of Death: March 1, 1586
Age at Death: 68

Is Amalia of Cleves's father, John III, dead or alive?

Amalia of Cleves's father, John III, is still alive and kicking.

Is Amalia of Cleves's mother, Maria of Julich-Berg, dead or alive?

Maria of Julich-Berg's information is not available now.

Amalia of Cleves's sisters :

Amalia has 2 sisters:
  • Sybille of Cleves
  • Amalia of Cleves's sister, Anne of Cleves, died on July 16, 1557 as he was 41 years old. His cause of death was cancer.

Amalia of Cleves's brothers :

Amalia has 2 brothers:
  • Amalia of Cleves's brother, William, is still alive and kicking at the age of 34. He is American and has had a career as a business person.

  • Duke of Julich-Cleves-Berg

Amalia of Cleves - Biography

Amalia of Cleves was a princess from the house of Von der Mark. She was the youngest child of John III, Duke of Jülich jure uxoris, Cleves, Berg jure uxoris, Count of Mark and Ravensberg jure uxoris (often referred to as Duke of Cleves) and his wife Maria von Jülich. After her father's death, Amalia's brother William became Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg. In 1526, her oldest sister Sybille was married to John Frederick. Her elder sister was Anne of Cleves, briefly the fourth wife of Henry VIII of England.