Anna Hill Johnstone Death
Anna passed away on October 16, 1992 at the age of 79 in Lenox, Massachusetts. Anna's cause of death was cancer.
When did Anna Hill Johnstone die?
October 16, 1992How did Anna Hill Johnstone die? What was the cause of death?
CancerHow old was Anna Hill Johnstone when died?
79Where did Anna Hill Johnstone die? What was the location of death?
Lenox, Massachusetts
Anna Hill Johnstone Birthday and Date of Death
Anna Hill Johnstone was born on April 7, 1913 and died on October 16, 1992. Anna was 79 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 7, 1913
Date of Death: October 16, 1992
Age at Death: 79
Anna Hill Johnstone - Biography
Anna Hill Johnstone was an American costume designer who was born in Greenville, South Carolina on April 7, 1913, and grew up in Richmond, Virginia. Johnstone designed costumes for more than sixty films and received two Academy Award nominations for her work on The Godfather and Ragtime. In 2006, she was posthumously awarded the Costume Designers Guild "Hall of Fame" award. Johnstone, whose married name was Robinson, chose to be credited under her maiden name, and was often referred to as "Johnnie." Johnstone worked with some of the most respected and idiosyncratic American film directors such as Elia Kazan, Sidney Lumet, Frank Perry, Milos Forman, and Francis Ford Coppola. Some of Johnstone's film credits included Serpico, On the Waterfront, East of Eden, Baby Doll, Dog Day Afternoon, A Face in the Crowd, The Swimmer and The Godfather.