Arnold Wesker Death
Arnold passed away on April 12, 2016 at the age of 83.
Arnold Wesker death quick facts:
When did Arnold Wesker die?
April 12, 2016How old was Arnold Wesker when died?
Arnold Wesker Birthday and Date of Death
Arnold Wesker was born on May 24, 1932 and died on April 12, 2016. Arnold was 83 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 24, 1932
Date of Death: April 12, 2016
Age at Death: 83
Arnold Wesker - Biography
Sir Arnold Wesker (born 24 May 1932) is a British dramatist known for his contributions to world drama. He is the author of 50 plays, 4 volumes of short stories, 2 volumes of essays, a book on journalism, a children's book, extensive journalism, poetry and other assorted writings. His plays have been translated into 17 languages and performed worldwide.